Bad Credit Car Loan

Bad Credit Loan

Having bad credit isn’t always in your control, but it can be damaging and can affect your chances of getting a car loan to get your next new or used car, truck or SUV. At Kendall Used Superstore in Alaska, we care about you and your needs, and we know that a bad credit car loan is exactly what you need. That’s why at our Car Financing Center in Alaska, we can help provide you with a bad credit car loan. We are conveniently located at 6930 Old Seward Hwy Anchorage, Alaska 99518, and we serve the areas of Eagle River, Palmer, Jber as well.

Bad Credit Car Financing in Alaska

Visit our Finance Center and visit with our friendly and expert financial advisors to see what kind of bad credit car loan can work for you today. We want to help you get the bad credit car financing in Alaska for you! Don’t wait to get your next new or used car, truck or SUV. Find out today with Kendall Used Superstore in Alaska’s financial tools what kind of bad credit loan you can get to help you and your credit get back on the road. Regardless of your situation, let us at Kendall Used Superstore financing center find you a bad credit loan that works for your lifestyle. While you’re here, fill out our financial application to get the ball rolling ahead of time. Plus, if you have any questions or concerns, you can give us a call or contact us online today!

Get Directions to Our Dealerships

Come Visit Us
Kendall Used Superstore 61.157610, -149.864540.